Carmine Pecoraro

Carmine Pecoraro got his degree in Medicine “cum laude” in 1976 at the “Federico II”University of Naples, Italy.

Formation: July 1980 Postgraduated cum laude in Medical Nephrology, July 1984 Postgraduated cum laude in Pediatrics, June 1991  PhD in Pediatric Sciences: at the University of Naples, Italy, “Federico II”.

Past and Present Positions. 1981-1991: assistant at Department of Pediatrics, 1991-2000: head  of Unit of Pediatric Nephrology at Department of Pediatrics of “Federico II” University of Naples, Italy; 2000-2020: director of Unit of Nephrology and Dialysis, 2001-2005: director of Department of Pediatrics, 2005-20014: director of Department of Nephrology and Urology, 2011-2020 director of Department of Emergency of “Santobono” Children’s Hospital of Naples, Italy.

Coordinator of the Santobono-Pausilipon Hospital Scientific Committee of Training Office; Vice-President of Cardarelli-Santobono Hospitals Ethics Committee; regional reference coordinator  for rare diseases.

Memberships: 2001-2004 member scientific committee of Italian Society of Pediatric Nephrology  2004-2006 President of the Italian Society of Pediatric Nephrology; 2005-2008 : coordinator of the Italian Childhood Registry of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome; 2006-2014: Member of the European Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Study Group; 2004-2007: member of Scientifc Committee of the Association of Italian Pediatric Hospitals; 2013-2016 Board member of ESPN Nephrotic Syndrome Working group, Board member of ESPN Immune-mediated disorders Working group. From 2014 to 2017 council member of the ESPN.

Academic  Activities: 1991-2020 professor of Pediatric Nephrology at University “Federico II” of Naples; 2003-2018: member of the Council of  Course of Degree of Pediatric Nursery at University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy.

Dr. Carmine Pecoraro has authored or co-authored over 100 articles for publication in scientific journals, books, in the fields of the Pediatric Nephrology