Denis Morin (MD 1983, PhD 1998) is Professor of Pediatrics and head of the Reference Center for Rare Kidney Diseases at Montpellier University Hospital, France. He is also the national coordinator of the French network for rare kidney diseases (ORKiD network) since 2015, aiming to improve diagnosis and care of patients with rare diseases, adults as well as children, in France. He trained in pediatric nephrology at Montpellier and at Guy’s Hospital - London, holds a PhD in Biology from Montpellier University after working on the “relationship between the vasopressin V2 receptor and human pathologies” in the Institute of Functional Genomics of Montpellier. He is enthusiastically involved in rare kidney disease projects and in teaching students on rare kidney diseases through the French degree for pediatric nephrology organized by the Universities of Lyon, Montpellier and Paris. He is co-investigator of several multicenter studies in pediatric nephrology.