ERKNet Reference Center


Ghent, UZ Ghent


The Adult Nephrology Unit


The adult unit of the Renal Division of Gent University Hospital offers a wide array of patient tailored therapies. We have a broad protfolio of renal replacement therapies, ranging from newborn to adult and from homebased therapies (hemodialysis, portable dialysis, peritoneal dialysis) over self care facilities and nocturnal dialysis to satellite dialysis and regular in centre dialysis. Because of this broad portfolio and the expertise within the team, we can truly tailor the therapy to the life of the patient, irrespective of age and underlying condition. We offer an holistic approach to renal replacement, including social worker, psychologist, dietician, transition coordinator, nurse specialists, a dedicated nursing and physician team. Next to this, we offer a wide expertise in management of patients with advanced kidney disease because of underlying urological pathology, with an intense collaboration both with the paediatric as with the adult urology department. A duplo consultation of a nephrologistand geneticist allows to provide extensive diagnostic and prognostic work-up, whilst ensuring swift and clear communication with patient and his next of kin. In close collaboration with the vascular surgery, we secure vascular access creation and maintenance even for the most difficult cases. A structured transition program has been established to help young adults and adolescents gradually make the transition towards adulthood. Primary objective is always to optimize maximally quality of life and life participation, despite underlying conditions. For all these programs, we have established evidence based protocols and quality improvement programs, to maximally support shared decision making.


Senior clinician experts


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Wim vanBiesen   (HCP Deputy Lead)   [e-mail]

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Arjen Van de Tol   [e-mail]

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Steven Van Laecke   [e-mail]

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Jill Vanmassenhove   [e-mail]

Junior clinician experts


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Marieke Demeulenaere   [e-mail]

Disease expertise

» Hereditary glomerulopathies
» Immune glomerulopathies
» Metabolic & stone disorders
» Thrombotic microangiopathies
» AD structural kidney disorders
» Congenital malformations & ciliopathies


Wim Van Biesen
E-mail: wim.vanbiesen@uzgent.Be
Telephone: 3293326462


» The Adult Nephrology Unit