ERKNet Reference Center


Genoa, Istituto Giannina Gaslini


U.O.D. Nefrologia, Dialisi e Trapianto


The G.Gaslini Institute is a research institute that is part of the Italian IRCCS network (Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico), dedicated to clinical and translational research. The U.O.D. Nefrologia, Dialisi e Trapianto includes 15 beds for recovery and counts >900 inpatient admissions, >4000 outpatient visits, approximately 12 transplantations and about 50 patients on dialysis (including acute renal failure) per year. The team includes specialized medical and nurse personnel and covers all aspects of pediatric nephrology, it also has particular expertise in the diagnosis, treatment and care of nephrotic syndrome and congenital anomalies and immune glomerular disease. The scientific activities are supported by a research laboratory dedicated to the study of renal diseases in children.


Senior clinician experts

Enrico Verrina   (HCP Lead)   [e-mail]
Edoardo La Porta   [e-mail]
Giorgio Piaggio   [e-mail]
Antonella Trivelli   [e-mail]
Andrea Angeletti   [e-mail]
Maria Ludovica Degl’Innocenti   [e-mail]
Alberto Magnasco   [e-mail]

Clinicians in training


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Carolina Bigatti   [e-mail]

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Silvio Chiarenza   [e-mail]

Clinical geneticists

Francesca Lugani   (HCP Deputy Lead)   [e-mail]

Laboratory researchers

Gianluca Caridi   [e-mail]
Maurizio Bruschi   [e-mail]

Disease expertise

» Hereditary glomerulopathies
» Immune glomerulopathies
» Tubulopathies
» AD structural kidney disorders
» Congenital malformations & ciliopathies
» Pediatric CKD & dialysis
» Pediatric kidney transplantation


Francesca Lugani
Telephone: +3901056363965


» U.O.D. Nefrologia, Dialisi e Trapianto