Prof. Dr. Kathleen Claes (°1971) works as staff member of the department of Nephrology, Dialysis and transplantation at the University Hospitals Leuven since 2012. She is a nephrologist with a special interest in rare renal disease, nephrogenetics, pregnancy in kidney disease and patient involvement. In that context she runs a multidisciplinary out-patient clinic (nephro-genetics, pregnancy and predialysis care). She is the Belgian leader of the aHUS working group.
She is investigator in both fase 2 and fase 3 trials for rare renal diseases and has several publications in international journals in these fields. She is a member of the European rare kidney disease reference network (ERKnet) and of the center of rare diseases of the University Hospitals of Leuven.
Dr Claes also has an interest in reimbursement of orphan drugs (current co-promotor of PhD project funded by the FWO (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) and is also, as parttime member of the executive committee, responsible for the clinical trial center within the University Hospitals of Leuven