Paola Romagnani, MD, PhD, graduated and obtained her PhD in Endocrinology and her Residency in Nephrology from the University of Florence, Italy. She is Full Professor and Chair of Nephrology at the University of Florence and Head of the Nephrology and Dialysis Unit at the University Children’s Hospital Anna Meyer, Florence, Italy.
Paola Romagnani has published 247 papers with an H-index of 87. Her studies received over 26000 citations. She served in the Editorial Board of JASN and KI. She has given over 400 lectures, including numerous plenaries, in the most important international meetings of nephrology and other disciplines. She is funded by national and international agencies and coordinated a European cooperative project. In 1999 she was awarded the Hoechst Marion Roussel Young Investigator Award. She won three European Research Council (ERC) Grants, a Starting in 2007, a Consolidator in 2014 and an Advanced in 2020. In 2014-2019, she served as member of the ERA-EDTA Scientific Advisory Board. In 2020 she has won the ERA-EDTA Award for Outstanding Basic Science Contributions to Nephrology.