Stephen B Walsh MD, FRCP, PhD, is a Consultant Nephrologist at the Royal Free Hospital in London, UK and is an Associate Professor of Experimental Medicine at University College London. His research focusses on epithelial transport physiology and of inherited and acquired diseases of the renal tubule. This includes wet and dry (genetic and bioinformatic) laboratory work and clinical research studies.He has published more than 150 original papers, reviews and book chapters in the fields of nephrology and physiology. Dr Walsh is on the Executive Committee of the British and Irish Hypertension Society, the Scientific Committee of Kidney Research UK, the ERA-EDTA Working Group on Inherited Kidney Disease (WGIKD), the European Best Practice Hyperkalaemia Guideline Committee.He serves on the editorial board of The Journal of Human Hypertension and of BMC Nephrology. He is the lead for the RADAR Tubulopathies Rare Disease Group.