EJP RD - ERN Workshop

EJP RD - European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases - EJP RD – ERN Workshop on Fetal and Postnatal multidisciplinary management in RD (Myelomeningocele and Lower urinary tract obstruction, LUTO)

The primary objective of this workshop is to train healthcare providers from different ERNs involved in the clinical research on MMC and LUTO.

The program will include lectures given by experts, panel discussion involving all participants and hands-on sessions focused on clinical cases and evaluation of theoretical cross ERN scientific studies in order to train participants and to improve their analytical skills. 

To register please fill the application form before 16. April 2023. The Workshop will run in English.

Date: 4 -6 June 2023

Location: Krakow, Poland

To register please fill the application form before 16. April 2023. The Workshop will run in English.

For more information click on the link below:




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