FEDERG F2F Meeting

The FEDERG F2F Meeting marks ten years of progress in supporting and researching rare and genetic kidney diseases across Europe.

Federg members meeting is coming up at the Cultural (see the upcoming Events) Centre, Martorell, Barcelona province, Spain on September 14th. They meet again to advance and boost the visibility of our Federation of European groups of patients affected by a rare and/or genetic kidney disease.

10 years of fighting to facilitate European patient groups’ presence at Nephrology Congresses and to spread knowledge, especially about rare, little-known renal diseases, and fighting together to promote improvement and research projects into our pathologies, as well as being a present part of medical trials and in determining our treatments.

2024 is an opportunity to celebrate our first 10 years of fighting together and to promote the Federation. It is a project meeting that aims to plan joint activities between several European federations to promote our pathologies from the patient’s perspective in order to be present in the decision-making process for our care and treatment.



Patient Partnership Webinar – Unlocking ERN Potential: Disease Specific Measures

Learn more about the European Reference Networks and how to unlock their potential for patients with rare diseases.

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CNE International Conference

The CNE international conference is hosted every second year and brings together scientists, clinicians, families and adult patients. Attendees from…

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Complement Weekend: International Patient’s Conference on aHUS and C3 Glomerulopathy/MPGN

A German patient group invites you to the International Patient's Conference - a weekend in Berlin concerning rare kidney diseases.

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National Workshop on Patient Rights - Athens

You are invited to a one-day workshop on Cross-Border Healthcare, Patients’ Rights, and Rare Diseases in Athens on September 17th!

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[ONLY IN GERMAN] Patientenkongress 2024 des Nephie e.V. in Hamburg

Nephie e.V. lädt zum Patientenkongress nach Hamburg ein. Sie erwartet ein Programm mit Vorträgen und Austausch mit anderen Betroffenen und Experten.

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[ONLY IN POLISH] National Workshop on Patient Rights - Warsaw

You are invited to a one-day workshop on Cross-Border Healthcare, Patients’ Rights, and Rare Diseases in Warsaw on October 9th!

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[ONLY IN GERMAN] Webinar Seltene Nierenerkrankungen - Herausforderungen & Psychosoziale Belastungen

Der Bundesverband Niere e.V. lädt ein zum Webinar über seltene Nierenerkrankungen - Herausforderungen & Psychosoziale Belastungen

Speaker: Prof. Max…

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National Workshop on Patient Rights - Brussels

You are invited to a one-day workshop on Cross-Border Healthcare, Patients’ Rights, and Rare Diseases in Brussels on November 19th!

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National Workshop on Patient Rights - Oradea

You are invited to a one-day workshop on Cross-Border Healthcare, Patients’ Rights, and Rare Diseases in Oradea on February 5th!

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7th International Workshop on Alport Syndrome

This workshop will spotlight the latest developments in Alport Syndrome.

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