Research Project

Project Title:

AD(H)PKD - Evaluating ADPKD in the era of tolvaptan

Project Type:

Adjunct biobank: DNA, Serum, Urine

Disease group(s):

AD structural kidney disorders

Project Summary:

Approval of Tolvaptan in Europe by the EMA as the first targeted therapy of autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) based on the findings of the TEMPO 3:4 trial is a milestone in the treatment of this disease. After the significant benefit on eGFR in TEMPO 3:4 and 4:4 more data on this therapy regarding crucial questions in the real-life setting would be highly valuable. In order to address these questions we set up AD(H)PKD - a prospective cohort study - in 2015 which is going to follow up ADPKD patients that are evaluated for a potential therapy with tolvaptan for 10 years.

Lead principal investigator(s):

Roman-Ulrich Mueller, Cologne
Franziska Grundmann, Cologne


Thomas Benzing, Cologne
Volker Burst, Cologne

Project Period:

11/2015   -   12/2027


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