Current Number of Patients enrolled in the ERKNet-Registry

All ERKNet centers
pediatric adult total
total active total active total active
Glomerulopathies 4508 3297 5039 2822 9547 6119
Tubulopathies 1391 961 741 422 2132 1383
Metabolic nephropathies 606 453 358 232 964 685
Thrombotic microangiopathies 898 674 167 89 1065 763
CAKUT 5320 3712 407 148 5727 3860
AD structural diseases 1250 899 3298 1785 4548 2684
Recessive cystic nephropathies 705 549 173 91 878 640
Rare causes of hypertension 184 138 12 5 196 143
TOTAL 14862 10683 10195 5594 25057 16277
Pediatric CKD and dialysis 13216 9740
Pediatric transplantation 1529 1207

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the dRTA-Registry

All dRTA centers
pediatric adult total
233 25 258

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the Pediatric SLE Registry

All SLE centers
pediatric adult total
118 6 124

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the EUROCYS Cystinuria Registry

All EUROCYS Cystinuria centers
pediatric adult total
134 285 419

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the Bartter Registry

All Bartter centers
pediatric adult total
157 19 176

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the esCapeKD Registry and Cohort Study

All esCapeKD centers
pediatric adult total
100 0 100

Current Number of Patients enrolled in the CompCure Registry and Cohort Study

All CompCure centers
pediatric adult total
95 16 111