ERKReg Training Sessions

We regularly offer open trainings for new and advanced ERKReg editors.


Basic Training Sessions

Basic training sessions are offered monthly. If you have new colleagues or need a refresher, register at least 3 days before the training. You will receive a Zoom link 1-2 days before. 

The session will be divided into 2 different parts:

40 min - Basic information about ERKReg, how to enter a patient, Do's and Don'ts, where to find important information.

20 min - Questions and answers. Feel free to send us your questions in advance via the registration form or ask them live.

Upcoming training dates: 

03th March | 10-11 AM | Register here

09th April |  4-5 PM | Register here

07th May | 4-5 PM | Register here

30th June | 4-5 PM | Register here

Advanced Training Sessions

As our ERKReg registry continues to evolve and the sub-registries in particular make an important contribution to the success of ERKReg, we offer ERKReg Advanced Trainings. In these meetings we will present changes to the core registry and the sub-registries. In addition, various sub-registers will be presented in detail on each date.

The first round of advanced trainings was given on two dates (3rd April and 13th May 2024). Another round will be offered in autumn 2024. 


Find the presentations and records of past training below. 

03.04.2024 | Update, Central Office I , EUROCYS, esCapeKD, CompCure

15.05.2024 | Update Central Office II, pediatric SLE, Bartter/Gitelman, dRTA

In this meeting the central office gave an overview on the currently enrolment status, presented changes in the data entry menu and informed about bug fixes. 

In additon the following subregistries were presented:

In the second part of our spring advanced registry training we focussed on the registry output generation. 


In addition the following subregistry were presented:

  • ERKNet/ESPN pediatric SLE nephritis subregistry - Adriana Suhlrie | PDF | RECORD
  • Bartter and Gitelman subregistry - KP Schlingmann | PDF | RECORD
  • ERKNet/ESPN dRTA subregistry - Francesco Emma | PDF | RECORD

Scientific Sub-registry Session

May 20th from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (CET) - virtual

Join us for the latest scientific updates, news, and ongoing projects from our various subregistries.


Date: May 20, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (CET)
Format: Online session (streamed live)

Register here: Google Form


Featured Subregistries & Speakers:

  • CompCure – Giulia Bassanese
  • esCapeKD – Giulia Bassanese
  • Eurocys – Aude Servais
  • Childhood-onset SLE – Adriana Suhlrie
  • ADTKD – Jan Halbritter
  • dRTA – Detlef Bockenhauer
  • Bartter/Gitelman – Karl Peter Schlingmann
  • IgAN/ IgA V – Licia Peruzzi

We look forward to your participation and an engaging session!

ERKReg-IgA Subregistry User Day

March 5th from 2:00–4:30 PM CET

Dear ERKReg Users and Interested Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the ERKReg-IgA Subregistry User Day, which will take place as a virtual event on March 5th from 2:00–4:30 PM CET. This meeting will provide an in-depth introduction to the IgA Subregistry, discuss its research potential, and offer advanced training on its specifications. This event is open to all ERKReg users as well as those interested in joining the registry.


  • 14:00–14:10 - Welcome by Licia Peruzzi and Jürgen Floege
  • 14:10–14:45 - Introduction to IgA Nephropathy and Vasculitis and Research Hypothesis of the Subregistry by Licia Peruzzi and Jürgen Floege
  • 14:45–15:45 - Advanced Training on the Specifications of the IgA Subregistry by Eyal Rahmani
  • 15:45–16:15 - User Feedback Discussion
  • 16:15–16:30 - How to Become an ERKReg Centre? Workflow and Contacts by Tanja Wlodkowski

Please register for this event here: The event will be recorded. 

To ensure that the IgA Subregistry meets the needs of its users, we have created a User Feedback Survey. We invite everyone who has already tested the ERKReg- IgA Subregistry to share their experiences, provide feedback on usability, and highlight any open questions. Your input will be invaluable in improving the platform.


To find more information on the IgA subregistry, please visit:

Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues who might be interested. We look forward to your participation and valuable input!

Best wishes,

Your ERKReg Team on behalf of Licia Peruzzi and Jürgen Floege