Der Bundesverband Niere e.V. lädt ein zum Webinar über seltene Nierenerkrankungen - Herausforderungen & Psychosoziale Belastungen
Speaker: Prof. Max…
Nephie e.V. lädt zum Patientenkongress nach Hamburg ein. Sie erwartet ein Programm mit Vorträgen und Austausch mit anderen Betroffenen und Experten.
Únase a Hypofam en Valencia el 28 de septiembre para debatir sobre la hipomagnesemia hereditaria.
You are invited to a one-day workshop on Cross-Border Healthcare, Patients’ Rights, and Rare Diseases in Athens on September 17th!
A German patient group invites you to the International Patient's Conference - a weekend in Berlin concerning rare kidney diseases.
The FEDERG F2F Meeting marks ten years of progress in supporting and researching rare and genetic kidney diseases across Europe.
Speakers: Alexandra Cambier, Canada Josh Storrar & United Kingdom Patient’s Perspective
The CNE international conference is hosted every second year and brings together scientists, clinicians, families and adult patients. Attendees from…
Learn more about the European Reference Networks and how to unlock their potential for patients with rare diseases.
Join us on June 20th, 2024, for the first HLRCC Symposium to improve diagnosis and treatment of HLRCC.