ERKNet/EURORDIS Webinar: "Patient Involvement in Guidelines" by Matt Johnson

We invite you to attend an insightful webinar delivered by Matt Bolz-Johnson, focusing on patient engagement in guideline development.

We're delighted to announce that Matt Bolz-Johnson from EURORDIS will be joining us at the ERKNet 8th Annual Meeting and will be hosting a webinar on Monday, April 22nd.

Since joining EURORDIS in 2014, Matt Bolz-Johnson has been actively engaged in various advocacy initiatives, including those concerning the European Reference Networks, Mental Health and Advanced Therapies. His pivotal role in establishing the ERNs includes spearheading the development of their assessment framework and supporting the rare disease community in shaping their development and implementation.

In the upcoming webinar 'Patient Involvement in Guidelines' on Monday, April 22nd 2024 at 17:30-18:15 (CET), Matt will discuss how patients can contribute effectively during the development phase and he'll also explore ways clinicians can encourage patients to get involved.

You're welcome to sign up and join the webinar. Please register here



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ERKNet/EURORDIS Webinar: "Patient Involvement in Guidelines" by Matt Johnson

We invite you to attend an insightful webinar delivered by Matt Bolz-Johnson, focusing on patient engagement in guideline development.


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