ERKNet is the European Reference Network for Rare Kidney Diseases, a consortium of 72 expert pediatric and adult nephrology centers in 24 European countries providing healthcare to more than 70,000 patients with rare disorders of the kidneys.
The ERKNet partners offer top quality multidisciplinary healthcare for a wide range of rare kidney disorders. They uniformly apply clinical guidelines and pathways according to latest medical knowledge and strictly monitor the quality and outcomes of therapy across the Network.
ERKNet offers virtual consultation services to physicians throughout Europe who need advice for challenging cases with a rare kidney disease.
ERKNet is dedicated to improve knowledge about rare kidney diseases among patients and healthcare professionals. We disseminate disease information via this website and by multiple education and training activities.
ERKNet works closely with European patient advocates (ePAGs) and different renal patient communities and organizations.
ERKNet actively supports clinical research to improve diagnosis and risk prediction and advance the development of new therapies for patients with rare kidney disorders.
In pursuing these tasks, ERKNet closely collaborates with the corresponding expert workgroups of the European nephrology societies: The Working Groups of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN) and the Workgroup for Inherited Kidney Diseases (WGiKD) of the European Renal Association (ERA). Also, ERKNet is in close contact with IPNA, the International Pediatric Nephrology Association.