
The AMEQUIS project, carried out in collaboration with the Avedis Donabedian Foundation (FAD), aims to develop an Integrated Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality Improvement System (AMEQUIS) for European Reference Networks, by enabling them to learn from experiences and identify potential pitfalls.

This integrated approach shall provide the different actors in the field with a clear and robust guidance, criteria and operational tools to ensure a sound and harmonized process in order to:

  • Assess any new ERN or HCP application
  • Monitor the activities carried out and the produced deliverables developed by the approved ERNs and their Members
  • Evaluate the ERNs
  • Improve the ERN system on the basis of a Continuous Quality Improvement System approach (Plan -Do-Check-Act) and develop an integrated AMEQUIS model.

Assessment of new ERN or HCP applications

5-year evaluation of ERNs and member HCPs

In 2022/2023, the ERNs and each member HCPs will undergo a formal performance evaluation. 

The process is divded in 4 phases. 

1. Phase: Prepatory Steps

2. Phae: HCP Self-evaluation phase: 19. December 2022 - 19. February 2023

3. Phase: Independent Evaluation Body (IEB) technical evaluation with on-site audits. 

4. Phase: Evaluation Results 


Please find here already some useful documents:



When ERNs were established, it was agreed that an evaluation would be conducted every five years after the initial approval (or final evaluation) to determine the value or significance of the work and actions developed by ERNs.

All HCPs who joined ERKNet as full members in 2017. All designated HCP leaders and co-leaders have received information from the European Commission. If your institution's leadership has changed or if you have not received information, please contact:

The initial assessment will be consulted by the IEB during the technical evaluation (Phase 3).

Each HCP Member to be evaluated will carry out a self-evaluation focused on the criteria and measurable elements of the different thematic areas and will send it to the IEB through the on-line tool.

The purpose of the self-evaluation is that each Network and each HCP team carry out a process of reflection on the activities performed during these five years in order to verify to what extent they have developed their mission and fulfilled the proposed objectives. 

Please use the Toolbox document as a reference, which contains useful and helpful information on the specific measurable elements (ME) and examples of evidence.

Please find the login-page here: Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality (ERN Assessment Tool) (

If you have specific question to the online tool or the interpretation to some ME, please contact the help desk team:

Are those which are annually collected by the central office and reported to the European Commission.

It is a list of 18 indicators developed by the ERN Monitoring working group. Please find the list here.


Please mention these indicators in Section III of the self-evaluation form No.10 and 6.1.3 The HCP team regularly collects, and monitors process and outcome indicators as established in the ERN.

We would refer here to our 62 key performance indicators established by ERKNet in accordance with guidelines developed or endorsed by ERKNet. The specific center results of each KPI can be compared to the average of all ERKNet centers. Please find the list here.

Please mention these indiators in the self-evaluation form section III No 11 and 5.2.1 The HCP team adopts and implements clinical practice guidelines and decision-making tools developed or adapted by the ERN