Noël Knops is a pediatrician with a subspecialty in pediatric nephrology who received his training in at the University hospitals of Leiden, and Utrecht (The Netherlands). Since 2009 he was appointed at the University Hospital of Leuven, Belgium as a clinical physician at the department of pediatric nephrology and solid organ transplantation and more recently as a part-time professor at the Catholic University of Leuven. His clinical special interest lies in the field of renal replacement therapy and solid organ transplantation in children. In 2017 he finished his PhD at the KU Leuven on the pharmacogenetic determinants of tacrolimus disposition and toxicity in vivo and in vitro.
His current fundamental research is focussed on the pathophysiology of nephrotoxicity in a cell model of renal proximal tubule cells that he developed during his PhD.
In addition he is interested in the dose requirements and adverse drug reaction in children on immunosuppressives.