Research Project

Project Title:


Project Type:

Observational Study, Enrolment not yet started
Adjunct biobank: DNA, Serum, Plasma, Urine

Disease group(s):

AD structural kidney disorders

Project Summary:

EJP RD proposal on the Natural history of ADTKD with build-up of an ERKNet-based consortium.

Lead principal investigator(s):

Kai-Uwe Eckardt, Berlin
Olivier Devuyst, Brussels
Jan Halbritter, Berlin


Roser Torra, Barcelona
Corinne Antignac, Paris
Peter Conlon, Dublin
Michael Wiesener, Erlangen
John Sayer, Newcastle
Eric Olinger, Brussels
Luca Rampoldi, Milan

Project Period:

04/2024   -   05/2027



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