Research Project

Project Title:

The CompCure Project and Registry

Project Type:


Disease group(s):

Immune glomerulopathies, Pediatric CKD & dialysis

Project Summary:

The CompCure Registry on C3G and MPGN is a subregistry of the ERKNet registry (ERKReg). This registry can be completed when a patient is included in the baseline data sheet. In addition, in collaboration with ESPN centers, patients from non-ERKReg member sites will also be included.

The CompCure project encompasses the creation of a registry and biobank. As part of this initiative, C3G/MPGN patients who wish to participate in the Cohort study, must provide consent for the use of data in ERN registries and databases (ERKReg). Patients are also required to grant their approval for the collection of blood and urine samples, as stipulated in the CompCure informed consent.

Each enrolled patient will have a unique ID code (center ID number such as 001-001). A local document with first name, last name, date of birth, date of informed consent and ID will be stored on the hospital server in a secure location.

Lead principal investigator(s):

Franz Schaefer, Heidelberg


Joanna Sladowska, Heidelberg
Giulia Bassanese, Heidelberg

Project Period:

11/2023   -   12/2060


Non-profit foundation

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