ERKNet Reference Center


Leuven, Leuven University Hospitals


Department of Nephrology


Description The Division of Nephrology of the University Hospitals Leuven is a academic, tertiary service for adults with kidney diseases in Belgium. Our multidisciplinary team offers full medical and psychosocial services for adults including patients with rare renal kidney diseases including patients with end-stage renal disease and after kidney transplantation. There is a close collaboration resulting in multidisciplinary clinics with the pediatric department,d the genetic department. We provide the full patients trajectory from diagnosis with specialized laboratory and genetic testing to treatment and patient care oa psychologist care, dietician care. This clinical service is complemented by a wide range of research activities, which include genetic and experimental research in a dedicated laboratory as well as participation in national and international clinical research consortia. The staff members in our units are involved in numerous investigator and industry driven clinical trials.


Senior clinician experts

Kathleen Claes   (HCP Deputy Lead)   [e-mail]
Bert Bammens   [e-mail]

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Katrien De Vusser   [e-mail]
Björn Meijers   [e-mail]

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Pieter Evenepoel   [e-mail]

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Amaryllis Van Craenenbroeck   [e-mail]

Junior clinician experts


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Thomas Vanhoutte   [e-mail]

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Margo Verbinnen   [e-mail]

Clinicians in training


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Jasper Callemeyn   [e-mail]

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Wouter Rosseels   [e-mail]

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Elisabet Van Loon   [e-mail]

Clinical research coordinators


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Claudia Annys   [e-mail]

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Albert Herelixka   [e-mail]

Disease expertise

» Hereditary glomerulopathies
» Immune glomerulopathies
» Tubulopathies
» Thrombotic microangiopathies
» AD structural kidney disorders
» Congenital malformations & ciliopathies


Kathleen Claes
Telephone: +32(0)16344580
Fax: +32(0)16344599


» Department of Nephrology