Reference: Lurbe I Ferrer E. An Pediatr (Barc).(2016). doi: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2016.08.001
Core Recommendations:
1. BP goal in children with CKD:
<75th percentile in children with nonproteinuric CKD
<50th percentile in children with proteinuric CKD
2. Use of Ambulatory BP Monitoring (ABPM) for diagnosis and monitoring of HTN is recommended.
Target BP percentiles above apply also to 24h BP..
3. Use RAS blocking agents as first choice with appropriate risk counseling in all proteinuric patients with CKD. In hypertensive infants with nonproteinuric CKD, calcium channel blockers may be considered as first-line therapy for safety considerations.
Comments by evaluators:
Reno-vascular hypertension (2022)
Childhood hypertension (2021)