The European Rare Kidney Disease Reference Network (ERKNet), in collaboration with Leila, presents a practical tool designed to support your daily clinical practice.
Designed to support medical professionals by offering quick and reliable access to clinical guidelines, decision pathways, and calculators tailored for managing rare kidney diseases
—all easily accessible in one place.
Access the collection of ERKNet guidance documents and recommendations, ensuring you have the latest and most accurate information at your fingertips.
Decision pathways
Navigate clinical scenarios with ease using our detailed decision pathways, designed to guide you through each step of patient care.
Accurately assess kidney function with our user-friendly calculators, helping you make informed decisions quickly and confidently.
The app includes the following guidelines, originally developed by ERKNet experts using an evidence-based methodology, which have been modified to enhance accessibility and usability for healthcare professionals. This streamlined format ensures that critical information, decision pathways, and recommendations are easily navigable and practical for clinical use.
Title | Journal | WG/TF/Collaboration |
International Expert Consensus Statement on the Diagnosis and Management of Congenital Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus (arginine vasopressin resistance) | Nature reviews. Nephrology 2024 | Tubulopathies ESPN |
Clinical Practice Recommendations on Kidney Management in Methylmalonic Acidemia: an Expert Consensus Statement From ERKNet and MetabERN | Kidney International Reports 2024 | Metabolic and Stone Disorders, Tubulopathies Metab-ERN |
Nature Reviews Nephrology 2024 | AD structural kidney disorders ERA | |
Clinical practice recommendations on lipoprotein apheresis for children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: an expert consensus statement from ERKNet and ESPN
| Atherosclerosis, Volume 392, May 2024, 117525 | Pediatric CKD/Dialysis ESPN |
| Nature Reviews Nephrology 2023 ;
| Metabolic and Stone Disorders Oxaleurope |
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2022) 37: 825–839 | AD structural kidney disorders ERA | |
Definition, diagnosis and management of fetal lower urinary tract obstruction | Nat Rev Urol. 2022 Feb 8 | CAKUT and obstructive nephropathies |
| Nephrol Dial Transplant 2022: 0: 1–12
| CAKUT and obstructive nephropathies |
Genetic testing in the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease: recommendations for clinical practice
| Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2022; | TF Molecular Diagnostics |
Kidney International 2021; 99: 48–58
| Metabolic and Stone Disorders | |
Distal renal tubular acidosis: ERKNet/ESPN clinical practice points
| Nephrol Dial Transplant 2021; 36: 1585–1596
| Tubulopathy ESPN |
| Nature Reviews Nephrology 2021; 17
| Hereditary Glomerulopathies ESPN |
Diagnosis and Management of Bartter syndrome: Consensus Recommendations from the ERKNet Working Group for Tubular Disorders | Kidney Int. 2021 Feb;99(2):324-335. | Tubulopathies |
European Journal of Human Genetics 2020 | Hereditary Glomerulopathies | |
| Pediatr Nephrol 2020; 35: 1529-1561 | Hereditary Glomerulopathies |
Decision Pathways
Acid-Base Disorders
Tubular Function Tests
Urinary Solute Ratio
You can also access the ERKNet/LeiLa app through your web browser. This option allows you to seamlessly check and manage important patient information on your desktop or laptop, providing a more professional and discreet experience when consulting data during patient interactions.
The structure and functionality of the WebApp are identical to the ERKNet/LeiLa app on your smartphone.
Any notes or bookmarks you’ve made in the ERKNet/LeiLa app on your smartphone will be synchronized with the WebApp, and vice versa.
Please find a here a user guide to assist you in using the app.
Who can use the app and how much is the fee?
ERKNet/Leila is free of charge and open to the nephrology community worldwide.
Who is behind ERKNet/Leila?
Leila is a product of Lindgrün GmbH in cooperation with the European Rare Kidney Disease Reference Network.
Contact details:
Lindgrün GmbH
Waldenserstrasse 2-4
10551 Berlin
ERKNet/Leila is open to all professional societies.
How does the content get into Leila?
The guidelines are integrated via an editorial system specifically developed for this purpose.
After guidelines are successfully published in peer-reviewed journals the content of the guideline will be implemented in the mobile application by the ERKNet central office and reviewed by medical professionals.
What are guidelines?
Guidelines pursue the goal of improving the quality of medical care. Guidelines are developed systematically, are scientifically based and are intended to be practice-oriented decision-making aids. They represent the evidence-based knowledge on specific care tasks.
It is essential that the certainty with which a recommendation is made and its effect/validity is clearly evident. Therefore, guidelines must be documented and communicated in a comprehensible way.
Regardless of this, guidelines and their recommendations should be examined by each practitioner under patient-specific aspects (e.g., co-morbidities) in the individual situation. This is one reason why guidelines are not legally binding.
What do the icons mean?
Use the mode icons (search, full text, recommendation, step by step) to select a specific view of your selected guideline.
You can search for content within a guideline (simple search) or in multiple guidelines (advanced search). In the advanced search, all guidelines stored in the database are included with an intelligent search. In this way, you receive results from different subject areas for your search term. This allows you to compare knowledge from several guidelines, e.g. in the case of syndromic patients.
Full text
Here you will find the complete content of the guideline, in a sensible chapter structure - although we have adapted graphics, tables, and a few structural aspects to smartphone use. However, these do not change the content.
Here you will find exclusively the recommendations from the respective guidelines and with the respective recommendation level - if available. Whenever you see the icon, you can read recommendations.
Step by step
Use treatment pathways that guide you step by step through a process, e.g., a therapy or a diagnosis. The basis is the content of the respective guidelines. Not all guidelines offer algorithms, so only those based on the respective guidelines are integrated. These treatment paths were developed in large parts by us and are therefore subject to copyright.
Horizontal integration
This icon indicates that relevant information, such as overlapping disease groups or differential diagnoses, on the topic is available in another guideline and can be used directly.
Wherever you see this icon, further information is available. This can be explanations of technical terms, contraindication, side effects, and much more - in short: Here you will find knowledge that has been assigned to the specific term and can be relvant for everyday medical use.
This icon indicates that a score / algorithm is stored. Please note that you, as the treating physician, are responsible for the well-being of your patients - no algorithm or score can take a decision away from you.
Square brackets
References, some of which are linked to the publications (if the guideline gives the DOI).
This will select your favorite guideline, which will subsequently always be displayed at the top of the list of loaded guidelines.
This icon takes you back to the overview of all existing guidelines in the Leila database.
With the bookmark you set a marker for exactly the view you see at that moment on your smartphone. You can set different bookmarks and have them displayed. This way you create personalized 'quicklinks' to topics. These 'quicklinks' are initially sorted by date. But you can also sort them by guideline.
Create short notes for yourself. You can edit these notes at any time. They are displayed sorted by date.
What is the process for guideline development at ERKNet?
ERKNet Taskforce for guideline and pathway development
To ensure and harmonise high quality puplications the ERKNet task force for guideline and pathway development has developed a standard operation protocol and oversees the various guideline projects within ERKNet.
Gap analysis
Gap analyses of the further need for clinical guidance documents are regularly performed by all working groups.
Development of new guidelines
The ERKNet experts continuously develop clinical practice recommendations for rare kidney diseases in need of guidance and harmonized management. The activities include collaborations with medical societies and other ERNs. The guideline development follows a methodology which is approved by IPNA and ESPN.
Monitoring of guideline adherence by HCPs
Key guideline statements have been included as Key Performance Indicators in the KPI monitoring and benchmarking tool established within the ERKReg Registry.
All information such as glossary, scores, pathways, and horizontal linkage is transferred or created by a medical editorial team, undergoes a three-step quality process, and is validated by medical specialists from the respective specialty.
Nevertheless, we cannot assume any liability for third-party content, such as the content of scores, epidemiological content, regulatory information, specialist information that is included in the glossaries as a knowledge base, and for the guidelines and their content.
We’d love to hear your thoughts!
If you’d like to share feedback or report a technical issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Additionally, we welcome your suggestions for new clinical pathways or calculators to enhance the app.
Reach out to us at:
We would be also happy to receive your feedback on the user experience by completing the survey:
Your input is invaluable in helping us improve and expand the app’s capabilities. Thank you for contributing!
ERKNet/Leila is not a medical device. The ERKNet/Leila app is intended for doctors and medical staff. To be able to use the app, you must confirm this when you start the app for the first time. The information provided by the app is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
All content is created and checked by medical specialists, doctors and an experienced editorial team. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any liability for third-party content, such as the content of scores, epidemiological content, regulatory information, specialist information that is included in the glossaries as a knowledge base, and for the guidelines and their content.
ERKNet is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HADEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.