KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Nutrition in Children with CKD: 2008 update
Reference: KDOQI Work Group. Am J Kidney Dis. (2009). doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2008.11.017
Core Recommendations:
- Energy requirements:
- Provide 100% estimated energy requirements for chronological age.
- Individually adjust for physical activity level & body size
- Adjust energy intake based upon the response in rate of weight gain or loss - Protein requirements:
- In CKD Stage 3 provide 100% - 140% Dietary Reference Intake (DRI ) for ideal body weight
- In CKD Stage 4 – 5 provide 100% - 120% DRI for ideal body weight
- In HD patients provide DRI + 0.1g/kg/day to compensate for dialytic losses
- In PD patients provide DRI + 0.15 – 0.3g/kg/day depending on age and to compensate for peritoneal losses - Vitamins and Minerals:
- Provide 100% DRI for most vitamins eg B1, B2, B3, B6, , B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, C,A,E & K
- Provide 100% DRI for copper & zinc
- Supplementation if <100%DRI or clinical evidence of deficiency
- Supplementation of water soluble vitamins in CKD stage 5D - Calcium and Phosphate:
Refer to CKD-MBD Guideline - Electrolytes:
- Sodium supplementation may be required in polyuric children
- Sodium restriction may be required in oligoanuric children or those with polyuria
- Potassium – limit intake limited in children who have or are at risk of hyperkalaemia
Comments by evaluators:
- Lack of published data on nutrition in all stages of CKD, so low quality of evidence - small sample sizes, the lack of RCTs, limited information on clinical outcomes