Solutions for Peritoneal Dialysis in Children: Recommendations by the European Paediatric Dialysis Working Group
Reference: Schmitt CP, Bakkaloglu SA, Klaus G, Schröder C, Fischbach M; European Pediatric Dialysis Working Group. Pediatr Nephrol. (2011).doi: 10.1007/s00467-011-1863-4
Core Recommendations:
- The EPDWG suggests using neutral pH PD solutions with low glucose degradation product content
- Icodextrin based solutions are recommended for the long daytime fill.
- Bicarbonate-based PD fluids are recommended in children with AKI when liver function is severely compromised.
- Dialytic glucose exposure to the peritoneum and patient should be minimzed, but euvolemia maintained.
- The dialysate calcium concentration must be adapted to the individual needs of the growing child.
- No evidence to recommend amino acid-based PD solutions in malnourished children on PD.
- General recommendations with regard to the combination of the different types of PD solutions available cannot be given; the PD Regime must be adapted for each individual.
Comments by evaluators:
- The Guideline development process does not meet several criteria as proposed by GRADE and AGREE.
- No external experts included.
- Preferences of patients and their parents are not considered and they are not included as stakeholders.
- The evidence review process is not described.
- Most guidelines were largely based on studies in adults and have been extrapolated to children; many recommendations need down-graded.
- Transparency and Editorial independence may be questioned since there is no mention of external funding for the group and the authors do not provide disclosures.