Martin de Borst

Martin de Borst, M.D., Ph.D., is consultant nephrologist at the University Medical Center Groningen and adjunct professor of medicine at the University of Groningen. He was trained at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and received post-doctoral training at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Bergamo, Italy from 2006-2007.


Prof. De Borst’s research focuses on the interaction between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular complications. His main scientific aim is to identify targetable factors and innovative treatments to prevent progressive kidney function loss and the development of cardiovascular disease. So far, he has published >240 peer-reviewed articles that have been cited >7500 times. His work is embedded in several national and international research consortia, and is supported by national and European funding. He supervises a team of twelve PhD students, three post-docs, two research analysts and many students. He is (co-)Principal Investigator of several multicenter clinical trials and cohort studies, including the VARIETY national cohort study that aims to determine the diagnostic yield of exome sequencing in adults with unexplained chronic kidney disease, the K+ in CKD trial ( NCT03253172) and the EFFECT-KTx study (NCT03769441). In 2020, he received the Stanley Shaldon award for young investigators from the European Renal Association (ERA).


Prof. De Borst is Associate Editor of Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, the flagship scientific journal of the ERA. He is also Part President of the Young Nephrologists’ Platform, an ERA committee dedicated to promoting the development of young kidney specialists in Europe, and current board member of the ERA CKD-MBD working group.