Congenital nephrotic syndrome, no genetic cause specified

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Patient Information Material

Nephrotic syndrome, genetic:

Kongenitales nephrotisches Syndrome
External URL , Language: DE

Nephrotic syndrome INFOkid
External URL , Language: EN

Nephrotic syndrome, congenital and genetic
External URL , Language: EN

Síndrome nefrótico, congénito y genético
External URL , Language: ES

de syndrome de Galloway
External URL , Language: FR

che cosa e' la sindrome nefrosica
External URL , Language: IT

Sindrome nefrosica congenita, tipo finlandese
External URL , Language: IT

Sindromi nefrosiche congenite
External URL , Language: IT

Congenitale nefrose van het Finse type
External URL , Language: NL

External URL , Language: NL

Nephrotic syndrome without extrarenal manifestations:

Kindernetzwerk e.V. für Kinder
PDF (0.42 MB) , Language: DE

MSD Manual - Nephrotisches Syndrom
External URL , Language: DE

Nephie e.v. Flyer Nephrotisches Syndrom
External URL , Language: DE

Nephrotisches Syndrom bei Kindern
PDF (0.08 MB) , Language: DE

Nephrotisches Syndrom bei Kindern
PDF (0.42 MB) , Language: DE

Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome
External URL , Language: EN

Complicated nephrotic syndrome - InfoKID
External URL , Language: EN

MSD Manuals - Nephrotic Syndrome
External URL , Language: EN

Nephrotic Syndrome - InfoKID
External URL , Language: EN

Nephrotic Syndrome - InfoKID
External URL , Language: EN - Nephrotic Syndrome
External URL , Language: EN

Manual MSD - Síndrome nefrótico
External URL , Language: ES

Síndrome nefrótico - KidsHealth
External URL , Language: ES

Le Manuel MSD - Syndrome Néphrotique
External URL , Language: FR

Le Syndrome Néphrotique Corticorésistant
PDF (0.97 MB) , Language: FR

PDF (2.77 MB) , Language: IT

Manuale MSD - Sindrome Nefrosica
External URL , Language: IT

Sindrome Nefrosica
PDF (6.6 MB) , Language: IT

Behandeling nefrotisch syndroom bij kinderen
PDF (3.75 MB) , Language: NL

Zorgstandaard Nefrotisch Syndroom
PDF (0.12 MB) , Language: NL

Manual MSD - Síndrome nefrótica
External URL , Language: PT

Nefrotični sindrom
PDF (0.2 MB) , Language: SL


PDF (2.16 MB) , Language: EN

PDF (3.96 MB) , Language: PL

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